• Question: what lesson has got you were you are today

    Asked by deer129pen to Will, Lulu, Fahim, Chris, Candice on 14 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Lulu Buford

      Lulu Buford answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      Keep moving forward even if you make a mistake. Don’t let a test fail hold you back from carrying on even if others get it right first time!

    • Photo: Fahim Dhalla

      Fahim Dhalla answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      I certainly agree with Lulu. Life keeps on going on, some days are fantastic and some days you make mistakes or have some bad luck. Keep on going trying to make the most of everything that life offers you.

    • Photo: Candice Basson

      Candice Basson answered on 17 Nov 2019:

      Ask for help. I am prone to being stuck on one problem for far too long and I end up feeling like a failure. If I just ask for help, this can solve things a lot sooner and I can move on with a project. You’re not expected to be able to do everything on your own or to always know the answer.
